mpcl::event::IAction | Base action class |
mpcl::system::ICondition | |
mpcl::text::IDate | BaseDate abstract data class |
mpcl::util::strategy::IHashAlgorithm< TKey, TValue > | Base hash algorithm |
mpcl::io::IInputStreamable< TChar, TTraits > | Base input streamable class |
mpcl::system::IMutex | |
mpcl::io::IOutputStreamable< TChar, TTraits > | Base output streamable class |
mpcl::util::strategy::ISortAlgorithm< TSequence > | |
mpcl::io::IStreamable< TChar, TTraits > | Base input-output streamable class |
mpcl::system::ISystem | Base class for an operating system wrapper |
mpcl::system::ISystem::TBigEndianBuffer | Base big endian buffer class for base operating system class |
mpcl::system::ISystem::TLittleEndianBuffer | Base little endian buffer class for base operating system class |
mpcl::system::ISystem::TMachineDependent | Machine dependent class |
mpcl::system::IThread | |
mpcl::invariant::IVerifier< TParameter > | |
mpcl::invariant::IVerifier< TParameter >::TInvariant | Invariant holder |
mpcl::util::MAppend< TTargetItem, TSourceItem > | |
mpcl::util::MCompare< TItem, TSizeType, MOperation, MFunction > | Unary function object to compare item features |
mpcl::util::MComparePointer< TItem, TSizeType, MOperation, MFunction > | Unary function object to compare item features |
mpcl::util::MDelete< TItem > | Unary function object to delete parameters |
mpcl::text::html::MMatchPairIdentifier< TTargetIdentifier, TSourceItem > | |
mpcl::util::MRandomNumberGenerator< TItem > | Function object to generate random numbers |
mpcl::util::MSum< TItem, TSizeType, MFunction > | Unary function object to sum all the sizes of the items passed |
mpcl::util::MSumPointer< TItem, TSizeType, MFunction > | |
mpcl::text::html::MWriteIdentifierTo< TTargetItem, TSourceItem > | |
mpcl::net::cgi::TAbstractApplication | |
mpcl::TAbstractApplication | Abstract application class |
treetable::TAbstractCellEditor | Abstract cell editor |
controller::TAbstractController | Main controller class |
nui::TAbstractDialog | Base dialog class |
nui::TAbstractInputVerifier | Input validator class |
nui::TAbstractModelToComboBoxAdapter | |
text::TAbstractNumberTranslator | |
treetable::TAbstractTreeTableModel | |
mpcl::automaton::TActionHandler< TState > | |
mpcl::memory::TAllocSmartPointer< TItem, TAllocator > | |
mpcl::text::html::TAnchor | |
nui::TApprovalDialog | Class for showing approval dialogs |
mpcl::net::cgi::TBadCookieException | Exception: bad cookie data |
mpcl::net::cgi::TBadFormException | Exception: bad form data |
mpcl::text::codegen::TBadInstantiateSyntaxException | Exception: bad syntax in instantiate member function |
mpcl::util::logging::TBaseLog | Base class for logs |
mpcl::text::html::TBasePage | Base HTML page |
mpcl::memory::TBaseSmartPointer | Base class for smart pointers |
mpcl::text::TBasicString< TChar, TTraits, TAllocator > | |
mpcl::text::html::TBody | |
mpcl::util::strategy::TBubbleSortAlgorithm< TSequence > | |
mpcl::text::html::TCheckbox | HTML check |
mpcl::text::html::TCheckboxGroup | HTML checkbox group |
mpcl::text::codegen::TClauseBodyString | |
mpcl::text::codegen::TClauseTagString | |
mpcl::net::corba::TClientApplication< TOrb > | Base class for client applications |
TColocatedApplication | CORBA client/server application |
nui::TColor | Color class |
mpcl::system::TCondition | |
mpcl::net::cgi::TConfigProcessor | |
mpcl::util::prefs::TConfigProcessor | |
mpcl::TConstraintException | Exception: constraint error |
mpcl::text::html::TConstraintException | Exception: constraint error |
mpcl::text::html::TContainer | |
mpcl::net::cgi::TCookie | |
mpcl::net::cgi::TCouldNotBuildException | Exception: could not built a new instance |
mpcl::automaton::TDeterministicFiniteAutomaton< TState, TEvent > | |
mpcl::text::TDirectiveDFA< TState, TEvent > | |
mpcl::text::html::TDivision | HTML division |
nui::TErrorDialog | Class for showing error dialogs |
mpcl::TErrorException | |
mpcl::system::TErrorException | Exception: general error |
nui::TEvenOddColoringTableCellRenderer | Table cell renderer that shows different colors depending on row evenness |
treetable::TEvenOddColoringTreeTableCellRenderer | |
model::TEvent | |
mpcl::event::TEventHandler< TEvent > | |
mpcl::text::xml::TException | Exception: parent exception class for XML |
mpcl::automaton::TException | Exception: parent exception class for AUTOMATON |
mpcl::text::codegen::TException | Exception: parent exception class for CODEGEN |
mpcl::net::cgi::TException | Exception: parent exception class for CGIL |
mpcl::util::prefs::TException | Exception: parent exception class for PREFS |
mpcl::invariant::TException | Exception: parent exception class for INVARIANT |
mpcl::net::corba::TException | Exception: parent exception class for CORBA |
mpcl::text::html::TException | Exception: parent exception class for HTML |
mpcl::system::TException | Exception: parent exception class for SYSTEM |
mpcl::TException | |
mpcl::text::regex::TException | Exception: parent exception class for REGEX |
mpcl::automaton::TExecutableStreamableDfa< TState, TEvent > | |
mpcl::TFatalException | |
mpcl::util::prefs::TFileErrorException | Exception: configuration file not found |
mpcl::text::codegen::TFileNotFoundException | Exception: CDML file not found |
mpcl::automaton::TFileNotFoundException | Exception: DFAML file not found |
text::TFixedPointDecimalTranslator | |
nui::TFixedSizeDocumentFilter | Filter for fixed size documents |
mpcl::text::html::TForm | HTML form |
mpcl::text::html::TFrame | HTML frame |
mpcl::text::html::TFramedPage | Framed page |
mpcl::text::html::TFrameset | HTML frameset |
mpcl::util::collection::TGeneralTree< TItem, TAllocator, TNode > | |
mpcl::util::collection::TGeneralTreePreIterator< TItem, TAllocator > | Pre-order iterator for trees |
mpcl::util::collection::TGeneralTreeSideIterator< TItem, TAllocator > | Right sibling iterator for trees |
mpcl::text::TGmtDate | |
mpcl::text::html::THead | |
mpcl::text::html::THidden | HTML hidden |
mpcl::text::html::THorizRule | HTML horizontal rule |
mpcl::util::strategy::TIdentifierGenerator | Base class for creating unique identifiers |
mpcl::text::html::TImage | HTML image |
mpcl::text::html::TImageSubmitGroup | HTML image submit group |
mpcl::text::html::TInputImage | |
mpcl::text::codegen::TInstructionBody | |
mpcl::text::codegen::TInstructionTagString | |
mpcl::automaton::TIntegrityException | Exception: integrity failure |
mpcl::text::html::TLayoutTable | |
mpcl::text::html::TLineBreak | HTML line break |
mpcl::text::html::TLink | HTML link |
treetable::TListSelectionListener | |
mpcl::text::TLocalDate | |
mpcl::util::logging::TLog< TChar, TTraits > | |
mpcl::util::logging::TLogStreambuf< TChar, TTraits > | |
mpcl::util::collection::TMap< TKey, TItem, TCompare, TItemAllocator > | |
mpcl::text::regex::TMatcher | |
math::TMath | Class of mathematic tools |
mpcl::util::strategy::TMd5HashAlgorithm | RSA MD5 hash algorithm |
nui::TModelComboBox | |
TMother | |
behavioral::TMutable | |
behavioral::TMutableObservable | |
mpcl::system::TMutex | |
mpcl::net::corba::TNarrowFailedException | Exception: failed to narrow object |
mpcl::text::html::TNoCodeGeneratorException | Exception: there is no code-generator |
mpcl::net::corba::TNoNameServiceException | Exception: failed to use COS Naming Service |
mpcl::text::regex::TNoStreamException | Exception: no stream |
mpcl::text::codegen::TNotCdmlFileException | Exception: not a CDML file |
mpcl::automaton::TNotDfamlFileException | Exception: not a DFAML file |
mpcl::TNotFoundException | Exception: item not found in collection |
mpcl::text::codegen::TNotFoundException | Exception: Item (instruction/clause) not found |
mpcl::automaton::TNotFoundException | Exception: item (state/event/action) not found |
mpcl::TNotImplementedException | Exception: not implemented |
mpcl::util::prefs::TNotParameterAbleException | Exception: not parameter-able option |
mpcl::text::regex::TNotRePositionableStreamException | Exception: stream do not support re-positioning |
text::TNumberTranslator | |
mpcl::text::html::TOption | HTML option |
mpcl::util::prefs::TOption | |
mpcl::util::prefs::TOptionAlreadyDefinedException | Exception: option already defined when adding new options |
mpcl::net::corba::TOrb | Base class for CORBA servant applications |
mpcl::text::html::TPage | HTML page |
mpcl::text::html::TParagraph | HTML paragraph |
mpcl::util::prefs::TParseErrorException | Exception: parse error when reading config-file |
mpcl::text::xml::TParseErrorException | Exception: parse error |
xmlight::TParser | XML parser class |
mpcl::text::html::TPassword | HTML password |
mpcl::text::codegen::TPatternBasedCodeGenerator | |
mpcl::text::html::TPatternPage | |
TProducerApplication | CORBA server application |
mpcl::util::strategy::TQuickSortAlgorithm< TSequence > | |
mpcl::text::html::TRadio | HTML radio |
mpcl::text::html::TRadioGroup | HTML radio group |
mpcl::util::strategy::TRandomStringGenerator | |
mpcl::text::html::TReset | HTML reset |
nui::TResourceSupplier | |
TSampleProducer< TOrb > | |
mpcl::TSampleProducer | Sample producer Interface |
mpcl::text::html::TSelect | HTML select |
mpcl::net::corba::TServerApplication< TOrb > | Base class for server applications |
mpcl::net::cgi::TSession< TCookie > | CGI session tracker class. Uses generic cookies for session tracking |
mpcl::memory::TSharedCell | |
mpcl::memory::TSmartPointer< TItem > | |
mpcl::automaton::TStreamableDfa< TState, TEvent > | |
mpcl::io::TStreamableMap< TKey, TItem, TCompare, TItemAllocator > | |
text::TStringUtils | Class that performs miscellaneous changes on Strings |
mpcl::text::html::TSubmit | HTML submit |
mpcl::text::html::TSubmitGroup | HTML submit group |
mpcl::system::TSystem | Wrapper for POSIX.1 operating system services |
mpcl::text::html::TTable | |
mpcl::text::html::TTableCell | |
mpcl::text::html::TTableRow | HTML table row |
mpcl::text::html::TTag | |
mpcl::text::html::TText | HTML text |
mpcl::text::html::TTextArea | HTML text area |
mpcl::text::html::TTextEntry | |
mpcl::system::TThread | |
mpcl::event::TThreadedEventHandler< TEvent > | |
mpcl::text::TTimeInterval | Represents a time difference in seconds |
mpcl::text::html::TTitle | HTML title |
treetable::TTree | A JTree used for displaying the tree in the table cells |
mpcl::util::collection::TTreeNode< TItem, TAllocator > | Tree node class |
treetable::TTreeSelectionModel | |
nui::TTreeTable | |
treetable::TTreeTableCellEditor | |
treetable::TTreeTableCellRenderer | Cell renderer for the tree-table tree column |
treetable::TTreeTableModelToTableModelAdapter | |
model::TTuple | Base tuple class |
model::TTupleMutable | |
model::TTupleMutableObservable | |
mpcl::net::TUrlDecoder | URL decoder class |
mpcl::net::TUrlEncoder | Class for encoding using content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' |
nui::TUserAuthenticationDialog | User authentication dialog class |
mpcl::util::TVariableArgumentArray< TArgumentType > | |
mpcl::net::cgi::TVariableNotFoundException | Exception: variable not found |
mpcl::util::prefs::TVariableNotFoundException | Exception: variable not found in environment |
mpcl::text::codegen::TVariableString | |
mpcl::invariant::TViolationException | Exception: requirement violated |
mpcl::TWarningException | |